The COVID pandemic, the war in the Ukraine, and the economic crises has put enormous pressure on everyone and most institutions.

During my career as a tech executive, working with uncertainty and developing contingency plans was an ongoing process. All leaders need to know how to lead in this reality. It is a critical part of building a successful company. But as the Scottish poet Robert Burns wrote:

“The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry.”

This business reality can affect our work and our relationships, both professional and personal. Before we realize it, the mind defaults to “crisis mode” as self-preservation and fear begin to play dominant roles without us realizing it.

We begin seeing everything as a threat. This has a negative impact on our mental health as well as those around us. It also effects the implementation of plans created to address uncertainty.

One way to combat this situation is through meditation. Meditation is not, however, a magic pill. It is a practice- like physical training. As you continue in this practice, new neuro connections associated with a positivity began to form in your brain. This helps you to think clearly, stay focused and develop the mind necessary to develop innovative solutions to complex situations.

Meditation has a profound effect on our thoughts and resulting emotions by changing our relationship to them. It helps us to be aware of them but not be controlled by them. But it takes time. However, as many prominent business executives have discovered, it is worth the effort.